Presentation has been awarded to Rita Lenkei

Presentation has been awarded to Rita Lenkei

In 2023 Rita Lenkei, predoctoral student of the ELTE Doctoral School of Biology, has been awarded the biannual Tamás Roska Scientific presentation opportunity in the biology category.

The title of Rita Lenkei’s presentation will be: “Modular model of self-representation – new experimental approaches in dogs”. The presentation will be held on April 24-26, 2023, as part of the opening program of the 36th National OTDK Biology Section organized at ELTE.

The Tamás Roska presentation opportunity may be awarded to the doctoral candidate/doctoral student/postdoctoral candidate who has achieved outstanding performance in the professional field during research work, who has presented results in the form of high-quality publications, lectures, artistic or scientific works, and who is also able to present results in a high standard and enjoyable science-popularizing lecture for students participating at the National Science Student Conference (OTDK) and their mentors.

Congratulations Rita on being awarded this wonderful opportunity!