
ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, TTK Institute of Biology, Department of Ethology (South Block)
1117, Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C. (sétány=promenade)
6th floor, north-west corner of the building, exit the elevator to the left, then to the right, rooms 6.206-218, 6.310.
At the glass door, ring your host's extension.
Phone: +36 1 381 2179 and +36 1 411 6500, Extension: 8079
Fax: +36-1-381-2180
Our e-mail address:
For guests arriving with dogs, we kindly ask that you call your host from outside the building and come up together using the "goods" elevator.
Parking is available on the Danube and south sides of the building. To park, please provide your name and vehicle registration number your host. The entrance is located at the end of the Hungarian Scientists' boulevard on the Rákóczi bridge side. To exit, proceed to the barrier and turn towards either Infopark or University Park. You can see the directions by clicking on the bubbles on the map or the arrows below and following the written instructions.