


  Topic Grant Principal Investigator Start End Amount Financial assistant
1 Dogs' lifetime activity influence on cognitive decline Morris Animal Foundation Pongrácz Péter 2025.04.01. 2027.03.31. 90,000 USD Temesi Andrea
2 A "kiszervezett kontroll": pozitív visszacsatolási hurkok a digitális önszabályozás, a mobilfüggőség és az ADHD között gyermekeknél és serdülőknél NKFIH Advanced Miklósi Ádám 2025.01.01. 2028.12.31. 119,994M HUF Punka Hedvig
3 A globális környezeti változások hatása a szaporodási rendszerek evolúciójára NKFIH Advanced Székely Tamás 2025.01.01. 2028.12.31. 116,86M HUF Punka Hedvig
4 Ethologists. NKFIH Mecenatúra Kubinyi Enikő 2024.11.01. 2025.10.31. 16,250,000 HUF Punka Hedvig, PZ1314/24
5 Vokális kommunikáció VoCS MSCA DN Andics Attila 2024.00.00. 2028.00.00. 0,29M EUR Farkas Eszter
6 Evolutionary conservation of smell-induced pleasure and anxiety MTA NAP Kollaboráció Kubinyi Enikő, Dobolyi Árpád 2024.06.01. 2026.05.31. 13,938M HUF Punka Hedvig, PH1606/24
7 Vokális tanulás ERC CoG K9Voc Faragó Tamás 2024.06.01 . 2029.05.31. 2,5M EUR Punka Hedvig
8 Mobilapplikáció EKA Konok Veronika 2024.01.01. 2025.12.31. 18,7M HUF Punka Hedvig
9 A kutya társas viselkedése OTKA Pongrácz Péter 2022.10.01. 2026.09.30. 48M HUF Temesi Andrea
10 Szótanulás MTA NAP Miklósi Ádám 2022.10.01. 2026.08.31. 95M HUF Punka Hedvig
11 A kutya szaglásának neuroetológiája MTA NAP Andics Attila, Kubinyi Enikő 2022.10.01. 2026.08.31. 176M HUF Punka Hedvig, PH1102/22
12 Kiszolgáló robot EUROSTARS Miklósi Ádám 2022.09.01. 2025.03.31. 0,1M EUR Temesi Andrea
13 Szociális robotok fejlesztése HUN-REN-TKI Miklósi Ádám 2022.07.01 . 2027.06.30. 155M HUF Temesi Andrea
14 Társállattartás evolúciós perspektívából: új megközelítés az emberi és az állati egészség fejlesztéséhez MTA Lendület Kubinyi Enikő 2021.10.01. 2026.09.30. 200M HUF Punka Hedvig, PH1404/21
15 Voice perception across mammals: comparative neuroimaging of humans, dogs and pigs ERC StG VOIMA Andics Attila 2021.07.01. 2026.06.30. 1,9M EUR Farkas Eszter

Previous grants

Short- and long-term effects of the pandemic on digital device use and socio-cognitive development in pre-schoolers (MTA post-covid phenomena application MTA Pogány Ákos 2022.04.01. 2024.03.31. 20M HUF
The mobile friend: Improving children’s socio-cognitive skills by persuasive mobile apps developed within an evolutionary framewor OTKA Miklósi Ádám 2020.12.01. 2024.11.31. 48M HUF
Short- and long-term effects of digital device use in preschool children OTKA K134984 Konok Veronika 2020.12.01 . 2024.06.31. 25,5M HUF
The dog as an innovative and ecologically valid animal model of ADHD; Comparative behavioral and neural approaches OTKA Gácsi Márta 2019.12.01 . 2024.11.30. 32M HUF
Szélesvásznon az állatok elméje NKFIH Mecenatúra Kubinyi Enikő 2021.12.01. 2022.11.30. 14,504M HUF
MTA-ELTE Comparative Ethology Research Group MTA-TKI 01 031 Miklósi Ádám 2017.07.01. 2022.06.30. 170M HUF
MTA-ELTE Lendület Research Group MTA Andics Attila 2017.07.01. 2022.06.30. 200M HUF
Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory NKFIH Kampis György 2027.07.01 2022.02.28. 12M HUF
NAVY Basic and applied scientific research NAVY GRANT 12746252 Miklósi Ádám 2019 2021.12.31. 98840 USD
Hungarian Brain Research Program 2.0 (NKP_17) MTA Perczel András/Miklósi Ádám 2017.12.01. 2021.11.30. 120M HUF
The good mobile: facilitating human relations using an ethologically grounded attachment model OTKA, K 124458 Kampis György 2017.10.01. 2021.03.31. 32,7M HUF
Uncertainty monitoring as a basis for understanding and early detection of autism and an animal mode CELSA Miklósi Ádám 2017.10.01. 2020.02.29. 30000 USD
Neural correlates of emotion processing in dogs and humans: a comparative approach OTKA, K 115862 Gácsi Márta 2016.03.15. 2020.03.31. 25.6M HUF
Cognitive ageing in dogs ERC StG EVOLOR 680040 Kubinyi Enikő 2016.06.01. 2021.05.31 1,2M EUR
Early detection of developmental disorders and skill-improving by a mobile-application which facilitates physical activity and analyzes motion automatically OTKA, K 129603 Miklósi Ádám 2018.12.01. 2020.11.30. 19,8M HUF

Project title: Personality assessment for dogs in AAI (PADA) (Erasmus+ 2018-1-PL01-KA2)

Project leader: Ádám Miklósi, Prof.          

Duration: 24 months (Start date: 01.09.2018. End date: 31.12.2020.)

Budget: 53 000 Euro          

Project title: Comparative auditory fMRI studies in minipigs: introduction of a new model species to cognitive neuroethology (OTKA, K 125527)

Project leader: Attila Andics, PhD          

Duration: 23 months (Start date: 01.10.2017. End date: 30.09.2019.)

Budget: 20 million HUF          

Project title: Learning sex roles within the family (K 109 337)

Project leader: Ádám Miklósi, DSc          

Duration: 36 months (Start date: 01.02.2014. End date: 31.01.2018.)

Budget: 32 million HUF          

Project title: Comparative neuroimaging investigations of vocal social perception in dogs and humans (OTKA, PD 116181)

Project leader: Attila Andics, PhD          

Duration: 36 months (Start date: 01.10.2015. End date: 30.09.2018.)

Budget: 22,7 million HUF          

Project title: The effect of early environment on the development of emotional stability and behavior in dogs

Project leader: Ádám Miklósi, DSc          

Duration: 12 months (Start date: 01.03.2016. End date: 28.02.2017.)

Budget: 24 600 USD          

Project title: MTA-ELTE Comparative Ethology Research Group (MTA-TKI, 01 031)

Project leader: Ádám Miklósi, DSc          

Duration: 66 months (Start date: 01.01.2012. End date: 30.06.2017.)

Budget: 197,07 million HUF          

Project title: Individual variation in responsiveness to reward based training in dogs (Canis familiaris) and its implication to animal welfare (Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition)

Project leader: Ádám Miklósi, DSc          

Duration: 24 months (09.01.2015. – 31.08.2017.)

Budget: 10 000 USD          

Project title: Genetic effects on the behaviour of the domestic dog (OTKA 84036)

Project leader: Enikő Kubinyi, PhD          

Duration: 59 months (Start date: 01.02.2011. – End date: 31.01.2016.)

Budget: 11,8 million HUF          

Project title: Dog vocalization – investigation of the structure, function and genetic background of an unusually variable communicative system (OTKA 82020)

Project leader: Péter Pongrácz, PhD          

Duration: 59 months (Start date: 01.02.2010. – End date: 31.01.2015.)

Budget: 14 million HUF          

Project title: Scholarship for two students (CRSI22_133059/1 SWARMIX)

Project leader: Ádám Miklósi, DSc          

Duration: 35 months (Start date: 01.02.2011. – End date: 31.01.2014.)

Budget: 74523 CHF          

Project title: Social learning of sex roles in variable breeding systems (OTKA 81953)

Project leader: Ádám Miklósi, DSc          

Duration: 47 months (Start date: 01.02.2010. – End date: 31.01.2014.)

Budget: 28,6 million HUF          
Project title: EU7 “LIREC”          
Project leader: Ádám Miklósi, DSc          

Duration: 53 months (Start date: 01.03.2008. – End date: 31.08.2012.)

Budget: 477720 Euro          

Project title: A new, ethological model-based generation of the relationship between humans and IT systems (TÁMOP-4.2.2./08/1/KMR)

Project leader: Ádám Miklósi, DSc          

Duration: 12 months (Start date: 31.01.2010. – End date: 28.02.2011.)

Budget: 11 million HUF          

Project title: Short-term monitoring of the Tuzla lagoon ecosystem and nearby coastal habitats (OMFB-00581/2009)


Project leader: András Kosztolányi, PhD


Duration: 26 months (Start date: 24.03.2009. – End date: 15.06.2011. )

Budget: 3,1 million HUF          

Project title: Examination of cognitive abilities and social influence in dogs (Magyar-Olasz TÉT)

Project leader: Ádám Miklósi, DSc          

Duration: 31 months (Start date: 30.04.2008. – End date: 01.12.2010.)

Budget: 2,2 million HUF          

Project title: Possibilities and constrains of conspecific and heterospecific acquisition of social information in dogs (OTKA 49615)

Project leader: Ádám Miklósi, DSc          

Duration: 53 months (Start date: 01.10.2005. – End date: 31.03.2010.)

Budget: 8,1 million HUF