PhD hallgatók
24/25 | Name/Név | Supervisor/Témavezető | Start | Topic/Téma |
1 | Nakaimuki, Asami | Andics, Attila | 2023 |
Olfactory functional connectivity and performance under emotional odors in the dog’s brain |
2 | Bakos, Viktória | Ujfalussy, Dorottya; Topál, József | 2024 |
Word learning and comprehension in children and dogs – a comparative evolutionary framework of language-related skills |
3 | Balatonfüredi, Viktória | Kubinyi, Enikő | 2022 |
Canine Cognitive Dysfunction: Behavioral Testing, Questionnaire Analysis, and Structured Interviews in CCD Research |
4 | Balogh, Antónia | Kis, Anna | 2024 |
Welfare considerations for dogs working in Canine Assisted Interventions; behavioural and neuro-cognitive investigations |
5 | Csepregi, Melitta | Gácsi, Márta | 2021 |
Cooperation and prosocial behaviour in dog-human and robot-human interactions |
6 | Czipa, Melinda | Pogány, Ákos | 2024 |
The development of language skills and digital device use in young children |
7 | Furik, Franceska | Andics, Attila; Faragó, Tamás | 2024 |
The neural processes underlying the perception and production of spontaneous and volitional vocalizations in dogs |
8 | G. Tóth, Kinga | Andics, Attila | 2022 |
The comparative research of the development of speech perception - a longitudinal study of dog puppies and piglets |
9 | Ghebrihiwet, Estifianos | Pogány, Ákos | 2021 |
Songbirds as neuroethological models for the study of social behaviour and its disorders |
10 | Gillet, Laura | Kubinyi, Enikő | 2022 |
Costs and benefits of dog keeping and role of dogs in Western societies |
11 | Gupta, Vishakha | Székely, Tamás | 2022 |
Unravelling the Genomics of Shorebirds: Insights into Evolution, Adaptation, and Conservation |
12 | Higaki, Fumi | Fugazza, Claudia; Miklósi, Ádám | 2023 |
Exploring canine language-related skills: Memory of spoken object location, Use of audio button device for vocabulary assessment, and Spontaneous transitive association formation |
13 | Kovács, Alexandra Barbara | Gergely Anna, Topál József | 2023 |
Systematic investigation of socio-communicative interactions between horse and rider |
14 | Kovács, Tímea | Gácsi, Márta | 2022 |
ADHD-related behavioural and neural responses in dogs |
15 | Legéndy, Írisz | Ujfalussy, Dorottya; Topál, József | 2023 |
Comparative studies on behavioural and neurocognitive aspects of word learning |
16 | Pálosi, Vivien | Konok, Veronika | 2023 |
Developmental disorders, emotion regulation, and digital device use |
17 | Rácz, Dorottya Szilvia | Andics, Attila | 2024 |
Investigating the origins of voice processing preferences in dog and human brains |
18 | Surányi, Kinga | Andics, Attila | 2021 |
Tuned to humans? Voice identity processing in dogs |
19 | Szigeti, Balázs | Faragó, Tamás; Lenkei, Rita | 2024 |
Testing genetic and breed selection effects on dogs’ vocal behaviour and vocal learning abilities |
20 | Szőke, Rebeka | Konok, Veronika | 2021 |
The effects of digital media use on social-cognitive skills and mental health in children and adolescents |
21 | Tatai, Gábor | Miklósi, Ádám | 2021 |
The impact of the horse-rider relationship on the efficiency of training and performance of sport horses |
22 | Udvarhelyi-Tóth, Kata Mária | Kubinyi, Enikő | 2021 |
Human-companion animal relationship: The relationship between dog-keeping and owners' characteristics and what makes a "good" pet |
Name/Név | Supervisor/Témavezető | |
1 | Bel Rhali, Soufiane | Kubinyi, Enikő |
2 | Bognár, Zsófia | Kubinyi, Enikő |
3 | Tátrai, Kitti | Kubinyi, Enikő |
4 | Eleöd, Huba | Gácsi, Márta; Kis, Anna |
5 | Farkas, Eszter | Andics, Attila |
6 | Vékony, Kata | Pongrácz, Péter |
7 | Temesi, Andrea | Miklósi, Ádám |
8 | Csizmadia, Gábor | Miklósi, Ádám |
9 | Petró, Eszter | Miklósi, Ádám |
10 | Szamosvölgyi, Zsuzsanna | Miklósi, Ádám |
11 | Tatai, Gábor Miklós | Miklósi, Ádám |
Végzett hallgatók
Name/Név | Supervisor/Témavezető |
1 | Pongrácz, Péter | Altbäcker, Vilmos | 2000 |
2 | Naderi, Szima | Csányi, Vilmos | 2001 |
3 | Gácsi, Márta | Csányi, Vilmos | 2003 |
4 | Kubinyi, Enikő | Csányi, Vilmos | 2004 |
5 | Katona, Krisztián | Altbäcker, Vilmos | 2004 |
6 | Soproni, Krisztina | Miklósi, Ádám | 2004 |
7 | Virányi, Zsófia | Topál, József | 2005 |
8 | Váczi, Olivér | Altbäcker, Vilmos | 2006 |
9 | Bánfiné, Vas Judit | Topál, József | 2007 |
10 | Csatádi, Katalin | Altbäcker, Vilmos | 2007 |
11 | Igyártó, Horváth Zsuzsánna | Miklósi, Ádám | 2009 |
12 | Molnár, Csaba | Pongrácz, Péter | 2009 |
13 | Tóthné, Maros Katalin | Miklósi, Ádám | 2009 |
14 | Pogány, Ákos | Székely, Tamás; Altbäcker, Vilmos | 2009 |
15 | Lakatos, Gabriella | Miklósi, Ádám | 2010 |
16 | Németh István | Altbäcker, Vilmos | 2010 |
17 | Tóth, Lilla | Miklósi, Ádám; Bogner, Péter | 2011 |
18 | Markó, Gábor | Altbäcker, Vilmos | 2012 |
19 | Faragó, Tamás | Pongrácz, Péter | 2012 |
20 | Gedeon, Csongor | Altbäcker, Vilmos | 2012 |
21 | Szenczi, Péter Márk | Altbäcker, Vilmos | 2013 |
22 | Bánszegi, Oxána | Altbäcker, Vilmos | 2013 |
23 | Kupán, Krisztina | Miklósi, Ádám | 2014 |
24 | Gergely, Anna | Miklósi, Ádám; Topál, József | 2014 |
25 | Vargáné Kis, Anna | Gácsi, Márta | 2014 |
26 | Bálint, Anna | Pongrácz, Péter | 2015 |
27 | Konok, Veronika | Miklósi, Ádám | 2015 |
28 | Ujfalussy, Dorottya Júlia | Miklósi, Ádám | 2015 |
29 | Turcsán, Borbála | Kubinyi, Enikő | 2015 |
30 | Sümegi, Zsófia | Topál, József | 2015 |
31 | Fugazza, Claudia | Miklósi, Ádám | 2015 |
32 | Gerencsér, Linda | Miklósi, Ádám | 2016 |
33 | Mirkó, Erika | Miklósi, Ádám | 2017 |
34 | Péter, András | Pongrácz, Péter | 2017 |
35 | Hegedűs-Kovács, Krisztina | Topál, József | 2018 |
36 | Abdai, Judit | Miklósi, Ádám | 2019 |
37 | Gábor, Anna | Andics, Attila; Miklósi, Ádám | 2020 |
38 | Szánthó, Flóra | Kubinyi, Enikő | 2020 |
39 | Iotchev, Ivaylo, B. | Kubinyi, Enikő | 2020 |
40 | Szabó, Dóra | Miklósi, Ádám | 2021 |
41 | Lehoczki, Fanni | Faragó, Tamás | 2021 |
42 | Fazekas, Emese | Pogány, Ákos; Dobolyi, Árpád | 2021 |
43 | Bódy-Groó Zita | Altbäcker, Vilmos | 2022 |
44 | Mátrai, Eszter | Pogány, Ákos | 2023 |
45 | Morvai, Boglárka | Pogány, Ákos | 2023 |
46 | Reicher, Vivien | Gácsi, Márta | 2023 |
47 | Csibra, Barbara | Gácsi, Márta | 2024 |
48 | De Morais Carreiro, Cecília | Gácsi, Márta | 2024 |
49 | Perez Fraga, Paula | Andics, Attila; Gerencsér, Linda | 2024 |
50 | Dror, Shany | Miklósi, Ádám | 2024 |
51 | Marx, András | Faragó, Tamás | 2024 |
52 | Lenkei, Rita | Pongrácz, Péter | 2024 |
53 | Shajid Pyari, Muhzina | Pongrácz, Péter | 2025 |