PhD hallgatók
Téma: Canine Cognitive Dysfunction: Developing behaviour tests for diagnosis, and associations with gut and nasal microbiome
Csepregi Melitta
Téma: Cooperation and prosocial behaviour in dog-human and robot-human interactions
Estifanos Ghebrihiwet
Téma: Songbirds as neuroethological models for the study of social behaviour and its disorders
G. Tóth Kinga
Téma: The comparative research of the development of speech perception - a longitudinal study of dog puppies and piglets
Kovács Tímea
Téma: ADHD-related behavioural and neural responses to different training and parenting styles in dogs
Laura Gillet
Téma: Pet keeping and human well-being in modern societies an evolutionary approach
Surányi Kinga
Téma: Tuned to humans? Voice identity processing in dogs
Szőke Rebeka
Téma: The effects of digital media use on social-cognitive skills and mental health in children and adolescents
Tatai Gábor
Téma: The impact of the horse-rider relationship on the efficiency of training and performance of sport horses
Tóth Kata Mária
Téma: Human-companion animal relationship: The relationship between dog-keeping and owners' characteristics and what makes a "good" pet
Farkas Eszter
Téma: Species preference in visual social perception - comparative fMRI studies in dogs and humans
Bognár Zsófia
Téma: The connection between head shape and behaviour in dogs
Muhzina Shajid Pyari
Téma: Socio-cognitive capacity of domestic cat
Eleöd Huba
Vékony Kata
Téma: Within group dynamics in dogs and their potential association with the social and individual problem-solving behaviour
PhD hallgatók 2001-2016
Szima Naderi (2001)
Gácsi Márta (2003)
Kubinyi Enikő (2004)
Soproni Krisztina (2004)
Virányi Zsófia (2005)
Vas Judit (2007)
Igyártó Horváth Zsuzsánna (2009)
Molnár Csaba (2009)
Tóthné Maros Katalin (2009)
Lakatos Gabriella (2010)
Faragó Tamás (2012)
Claudia Fugazza (2014)
Kupán Krisztina (2014)
Gergely Anna (2014)
Vargáné Kis Anna (2014)
Bálint Anna (2015)
Konok Veronika (2015)
Ujfalussy Dorottya Júlia (2015)
Sümegi Zsófia (2015)
Turcsán Borbála (2015)
Gerencsér Linda (2016)
Mirkó Erika (2016)
Mátrai Eszter (2023)
Cecília De Morais Carreiro (2023)
Reicher Vivien (2023)
Shany Dror (2024)